He Has Always Been The Head To She
From the beginning of the world, HE has always been the head to SHE. The supreme maker, as the good book tell us, made HE first before making SHE out of HE and then went ahead to give HE control of the earth, the animals and over SHE as well. The Supreme being didn’t even ask for SHE’s opinion on the matter. Man, over time, has used his God given strength and superiority to love, protect and provide for the woman. On a serious note, there are Men who use these privileges the right way, but what we can’t deny is the rape, violence, abuse and the demeaning treatment of women like an animal by men. Thus Woman, like all living things with instincts of survival, began finding ways to protect herself. Hence, Feminism.
Feminism is an advocacy for women to be heard, be protected, be supported and given equal opportunities for the girl-child. Others says that it’s a fight against the excessiveness of patriarchal structures in the society. I think these two aptly tell us what feminism is all about, but too many other “girly-protests” would make one wonder if feminism isn’t about deviancy or desire for power tantrums. There is no generally accepted philosophy of the term called feminism, only to a feminist is the meaning and experience of feminism individually special devoid of all the burdens attached to being a woman. At least, equality to man is the major grievance and our human nature compels us to become deviant to laws that we do not share in its privileges, so feminism has every right to challenge the crude heritage of patriarchy.
…Equality as far as the world is concerned is utopian and I would like you to comment below giving us an example of a perfect natural equality that exists in this world.
Feminism wants a world of equality. What does that even mean? Equality as far as the world is concerned is utopian and I would like you to comment below giving us an example of a perfect natural equality that exists in this world. There is no equality of rights in both man and animal kingdom, its either HE leads or SHE does. An individual’s body has no side equal to the other as biology rightly explains. We are different intellectually as well, which is why they say that a picture is worth a thousand words because there is no equality of thought or idea. Then, the question remains- How do we create equality in a world that was made out of hierarchical balance of orderliness by a supreme being who none can share his throne with?
Societies differ on ideologies and acceptance of feminism. Most western societies have adopted the empowerment of women into law and practice in their societies, while they are treated as social pariahs in most developing societies, especially that of African and Arab nations. Though, they’d give you reasons why women enjoy most freedom in their society when compared to Western ones, the irony lies in the fact that they are often pointed out by the men. Western societies are well structured for the girl child to get equal opportunities as the boy-child, regardless of all injustices that still exist between male and female, black and white, nationals and migrants etc. Arab and African societies are religiously, culturally, socially and politically patriarchal, and the norm don’t seem to be fair to women at all.
Let’s get back to the argument of violence, abuse and harassment. Are only the males guilty of these? Perhaps, its true, but past and present events do not absolve the female of this sin either. I think you should read about terror attacks, attempted murders and domestic abuses of Suffragettes. Maybe we should mention the percentage of physical or psychological abuse to domestic helps or perhaps, let’s talk about the use of a well-mixed multivitamin known as “Jaruma or Cobnomi” to help the man relax his senses. Plus, it’s a known fact that most females themselves prefer a male boss to a woman like them. I wonder why?
Concerning privileges, women are emotional beings, thus, they quickly express how they feel. Enlightenment and civilization as given voice to the silence they once suffered, and now they compete favourably in certain aspects of life with the man. Western feminism protests have become so often and so weird that certain people believed feminists are unbearably envious of the male gender for “standing out”. The world is no longer a ball of ignorance rotating around the rigid opinions of the male ego, erstwhile religious and cultural iron bonds are turning out to be fetters in the age of dot.com especially in Africa and the Arab world.
However, it should be understood that the world of men is not all favours and privileges, psychological abuse can be as harmful as the physical one. The mental pressure to become a MAN often leads them into suicidal tendencies because society shames their failures into depression. Moreover, talking or showing emotions about such is considered not Manly. Women in Africa and Arab world aren’t pressured to get means of livelihood like the men, but the pressure of poverty or greed often leads many “small girls to big gods”.
The vulnerabilities of being a woman are very real, so is the danger of being a man in certain scenarios- being dragged-off to war, harsher sentences when both commit same offence, certain people throw out the male because rich men won’t marry them, he is mostly guilty in the court of public in cases involving abuse, rape and harassments even in false allegations (Amber Heard and Johnny Depp comes to mind). The male is more harassed by the police than the female, lynching and burning to death is a male thing and I can’t recall the last time I got a lift when stranded by the roadside.
As societies evolve, perceptions will change and humanity will explore new ideologies. Feminism as an ideal must be adequately defined and not left to the grey areas of ignorance and selective nuances to make the world succumb to feminine wiles nor from the scorn of a woman who joined the course because her relationship didn’t work out. By the way, equal opportunity actually means equity. It means certain criteria were relaxed so that a balance of chance is created. Even then, it won’t be equal to all.